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GOA70 – Happy Birthday Amira

Guardians Of Atlanta 70
(Happy Birthday Amira)

During the week that Amira waited
For her 18th birthday,
She hid away with The Guardians
She no longer felt like a stray.
In the Castelle, her brand new friends
Kept special watch out for her.
And in the presence of William,
She felt doubly assured.

So on Amira’s birthday,
Amira woke up to see,
William at the foot of her bed
And she smiled with utter glee.
She wiped the sleep out of her eyes
And he handed her a gift.

William: “Happy birthday, Amira.
It’s good your birthday was swift.”

Amira smiled but didn’t reach
For the brightly wrapped package.
Instead she looked into his eyes.

Amira: “I need nothing lavish.
The home that you’ve given me here is enough.”

William: “I’m sorry for how I was cruel.
Will you forgive me for being unloving?
I was such a fool.”

Amira: “Of course I forgive you Will.
Do you even have to ask?
Forget about all of that now.
It’s all completely in the past.”

William: “Well if you’re going to live here now,
You know you’re going to have to work.
But thankfully you’re amazingly strong
Thanks to your little quirk.”

Amira: “Jana Jukembari‹If I remember correctly?”
William: “What do you say Amira?
Please answer me directly.
I know it’s a lot to take on faith but-“

Amira: “Please! A thousand times yes!
William, if it wasn’t for you it’d be a no.
This much I have to stress.
You make me stronger than I’ve ever felt.
And if I must copy people,
I want it to be someone like you.
Someone who doesn’t make me feel feeble.
And I know we only met last week,
So I’ll put this mildly.
William, I will follow wherever you lead.
I trust you entirely.”

William smiled, nodded, and blushed.

William: “Well don’t come out yet.
We’re still getting your party ready.
Cyrus and Bobby are working hard on it.
I better go help them now.”

Amira: “Alright, my blessed knight.”

Amira snuggled up back into her bed,
And William turned off the light.
He left the room and Cyrus
And Bobby were standing there.

Cyrus: “So how’d it go?”
Asked Cyrus while playing with her hair.

William: “She’s in.”

William beamed still thinking about
What Amira had said.

Bobby: “Wow dude. you’re head over heels!”

Cyrus laughed and agreed.

Cyrus: “Yup.”

William: “I’m only going to ask this once.
Will you two shut up?”

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Mirror: The Blessed Twin in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

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