WOW1 – The Rookie
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WOW1 – The Rookie

World Of Wrestling 1 (The Rookie) Sweaty underneath his sort-of clean clothes, Joshua Slayter sighed and let out his woes. His fingers jittered on the wheel of his van, Thanks to the contents of the now-empty can- That clinked in the cupholder as he pulled into the lot, For the Orlando Arena, where he’d finally…

WOW2 – Screwed With
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WOW2 – Screwed With

World Of Wrestling 2 (Screwed With) Into the locker room Joshua went Every ounce of energy spent. He found himself an empty locker, And didn’t plan on being a talker. On a bench, he laid himself down, And his destination was sleepy town. He put his hat over his face, Showering definitely had a later…

WOW3 – Revenge
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WOW3 – Revenge

World Of Wrestling 3 (Revenge) “Jessica! Come in!” Came the voice of one Will Rothschild. A slimy voice of smugness With a hint of something wild. Will: “Come in and sit down! I have things to discuss. Shut the door please. No need to hear that ruckus.” Jessica did so, And sat down to see…

WOW4 – The Big Dog’s Bark
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WOW4 – The Big Dog’s Bark

World Of Wrestling 4 (The Big Dog’s Bark) Jessica roamed the halls Talking to whoever she saw. But no one was willing to cross Will Rothschild’s power and awe. So as Jessica went past catering For the eleventh time, The Atlantyx and Keri Starr decided It was time to play with her mind. Keri approached…

WOW5 – Promo Time
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WOW5 – Promo Time

World Of Wrestling 5 (Promo Time) Jessica: “Okay, right, So Josh, You’ve been wrestling for how long?” Jessica skipped steps to keep up with Josh, As he briskly walked along. Joshua: “About two years now. They trained me at 18.” Jessica: “Would you slow down for two seconds? Are you still hyped up on caffeine?…

WOW6 – Jessica Valero & Joshua Slayter Vs. Keri Starr & The Atlantyx
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WOW6 – Jessica Valero & Joshua Slayter Vs. Keri Starr & The Atlantyx

World Of Wrestling (Jessica Valero & Joshua Slayter Vs. Keri Starr & The Atlantyx) The Ring announcer bellowed, The entrance music played, Wrestlers made their way to the ring. The crowd would no longer be delayed. The bell rang out, starting the match, With Jessica against Keri Starr. Jessica made some attempts to grapple, But…

WOW7 – Offers
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WOW7 – Offers

World Of Wrestling 7 (Offers) Once backstage, Jessica Valero Excitedly hugged Josh Slayter. Jessica: 

”That was insane! Exceptional! You must be on to something greater!” She winced and touched her tender ribs, Gauging her internal pain. Joshua: “Thanks I guess. 
I just did my job.” Jessica: “Once again,
That was insane! Do you realize the magnitude…

WOW8 – Just Business
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WOW8 – Just Business

World Of Wrestling 8 (Just Business) After an inordinate amount Of prepping Jessica Valero left her hotel, Her mind continually vetted The Bigdog, Though not just for the sell. It’s true she thought he was worth a lot, To both himself and her. If given the guidance he desperately needed, To make his career path…

WOW9 – Joshua Slayter Vs. Ricky Serpiente
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WOW9 – Joshua Slayter Vs. Ricky Serpiente

World Of Wrestling 9 (Joshua Slayter Vs. Ricky Serpiente) Smack! Went Joshua Slayter’s face, Straight down into the mat. The crowd roared loudly as he went- To Superkick Ricky right back. Ricky Serpiente was far too quick, Matrixing back in a bridge. And Joshua Slayter fell over the top rope, Landing Splat! Like a fly…

WOW10 – Turning Night
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WOW10 – Turning Night

World Of Wrestling 10 (Turning Night) Jessica: “Popcorn and Pizza would work better this time, Instead of shrimp and steak.” Jessica thought to herself as she worked, On making this friendly night great. She fussed over every minute detail, To make it look like she didn’t. And as a final touch, she mussed-up her hair,…