GOA81 – Off To Seek Answers
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GOA81 – Off To Seek Answers

Guardians Of Atlanta 81 (Off To Seek Answers) This poem is written in the voice of Amy. Though my Angel lied, He said that he was sorry. All this time I’d felt alone, I didn’t have to worry. My Angel will protect me, Even at the Mount. So off we are to seek the answers…

GOA82 – Introduction and Home Life
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GOA82 – Introduction and Home Life

Guardians Of Atlanta 82 (Introduction And Home Life) Over the last chapters of this story, We saw heroes and heroines in fantastic glory. From Cyrus the Cyclone, to Bobby the Magician. To William the Knight, and Amira the bless’d twin. And even Marlynn, the Freakshow’s valor With all his life’s trials and deathly dark pallor….

GOA83 – Planning For An Eclipse
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GOA83 – Planning For An Eclipse

Guardians Of Atlanta 83 (Planning For An Eclipse) Cyrus gathered the Guardians And they entered the Castelle’s den; A room full of technology Geared to help all of them. Computers and devices big and small, Flickered all around. But in front of the projector screen Was where The Guardians sat down. Fenris looked quite serious,

GOA84 – The Arrival
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GOA84 – The Arrival

Guardians OF Atlanta 84 (The Arrival) Marlynn: “It’s just ahead. I can see it now.” Came the voice of Marlynn to Amy. Amy: “Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, And even Jefferson Davis can’t save me.” Marlynn: “Then why Stone Mountain? You still haven’t told me Why you had to be here.” A laugh emanated from…

GOA85 – Meeting In The Woods
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GOA85 – Meeting In The Woods

Guardians Of Atlanta 85 (Meeting In The Woods) Among the leaves and among the brush Cyrus led Amy and Marlynn. Cyrus: “Come on guys, not much further. The others are up past that garden.” Cyrus pointed to a place where they Could see a small clearing. But it was still secluded enough, Marlynn thought, At…

GOA86 – Don’t Panic
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GOA86 – Don’t Panic

Guardians Of Atlanta 86 (Don’t Panic) After some initial panic, Especially on Marlynn’s part, The Guardians set out to look for Amy But they weren’t sure where to start. They skulked through the woods Just outside of view
Of all of Brock’s knights, But Marlynn’s nervousness grew. Marlynn: “I hope that she’s okay.” Marlynn said with…

GOA87 – Okay! Panic!
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GOA87 – Okay! Panic!

Guardians Of Atlanta 87 (Okay! Panic!) The woman spoke something under her breath That none of them could hear. Then the limbs of vines and trees Tried to snatch and spear. The Guardians all wanted to scream, But they didn’t because they knew, It would alert Brock’s knights to their location. Then they’d never get…

GOA88 – A New Player
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GOA88 – A New Player

Guardians Of Atlanta 88 (A New Player) Amy trudged up the mountain path. Hungering for more than just food. The Knights knew nothing of this steep path. No one could have understood. This path was ancient, and only few could see- The trek that cut up to where Amy thought she’d be free. The sky…

GOA89 – Chill
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GOA89 – Chill

Guardians Of Atlanta 89 (Chill) Will’s blade still stuck to Marlynn’s skin, Back in the bushes and brush. His yells grew louder and louder, Though his comrades bid him to hush. Bobby: “Will! Back off and chill, man!” William: “Where does your power come from?!” Marlynn: “I know it was wrong. I had to stop…

GOA90 – Don’t Stop Me Now
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GOA90 – Don’t Stop Me Now

Guardians Of Atlanta 90 (Don’t Stop Me Now) Jezebel snapped into Amy’s mind, And took on full control. Bristlesmoke fired her darkness mightily, But the blows did not take a toll. Clipper aimed from the bushes, But could not get a good shot. His objective was to keep Amy alive, And help her to the…