ITR23 – Spooky Sleepy
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ITR23 – Spooky Sleepy

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 23 (Spooky Sleepy) Several hours later, Blayze and Pandora Were still at their chore, Trying to figure what went wrong with Wendall, And to figure out what was in store for one another and the crew. Things seemed to be on edge. But they knew that they would…

ITR22 – Diagnostics
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ITR22 – Diagnostics

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 22 (Diagnostics) Pandora and Blayze went to diagnostics, And entered the program there, To see what made Wendall see something, That served to give them a scare. Pandora began to run the program, Looking for problems inside, And she turned to Blayze and wondered aloud, Pandora: “What do…

ITR21 – Flash Ball
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ITR21 – Flash Ball

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 21 (Flash Ball) The bright orange orb of translucent fire Rattled off the pipe, That James Washington had just swung With every ounce of his might. It crackled with a static charge, As the others tried to retrieve it. And when James rounded the second station The ricochet…

ITR20 – Secrets
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ITR20 – Secrets

The idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 20 (Secrets) A course was set And everyone relaxed. Blayze took the opportunity To slip away to the back. The back of the ship was mostly empty Except for a few spare parts. It was usually used for secondary cargo, But for now it was left in the…

ITR19 – Punch! Zoom!
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ITR19 – Punch! Zoom!

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 19 (Punch! Zoom!) Everyone sat on the bridge Of The Magnus Canis Everyone except for The Gryvian troop, Who’s night had gone amiss. Amanda paced as Dex readied controls, And everyone else strapped in. Dex was almost through his procedures, So Amanda decided to begin. Amanda: “Thank you…

ITR18 – Pieces Fall
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ITR18 – Pieces Fall

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 18 (Pieces Fall) Amanda stared for a moment, Confused as she could be. But there was not an ounce of time. She had to set them free! She pushed past Pandora and entered the code To grant selective lockdown. Pandora looked on, feeling dejected. With a sad and…

ITR17 – What Are You?
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ITR17 – What Are You?

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 17 (What Are You?) Amanda ran with her special codes As fast as her legs could carry her. She almost ran past Dex Cramer While trying to get to the servers. But Dex put his hands up, And slowed her down to a march. Dex: “There’s not enough…

ITR16 – Stalling Out
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ITR16 – Stalling Out

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 16 (Stalling Out) Coolidge sat aboard Amanda’s ship, Bored out of his mind. Coolidge: “Waiting to be rescued-” he decided “Is so not my thing.” But just as he was deciding On what action to take, A call rang on the ship’s communicator, And the I.D. made him…

ITR15 – Airlock Blinky Talk
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ITR15 – Airlock Blinky Talk

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 15 (Airlock Blinky Talk) Amanda toiled in focus As she worked her way toward the docks. There were still a lot of things to check, Such as buttons, knobs, and power stocks. But as she moved along the dock, She saw something move on her ship. She moved…

ITR14 – Hallway Hunting
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ITR14 – Hallway Hunting

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 14 (Hallway Hunting) Down the hallway Blayze and James went Hunting for their Gryvian prey, Hoping they would find their man, And escape in-tact this day. Blayze quietly traipsed along with James Before he opened his mouth. Blayze: “So how is it you met Amanda? Tell me, what’s…