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ITR14 – Hallway Hunting

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 14
(Hallway Hunting)

Down the hallway Blayze and James went
Hunting for their Gryvian prey,
Hoping they would find their man,
And escape in-tact this day.
Blayze quietly traipsed along with James
Before he opened his mouth.

Blayze: “So how is it you met Amanda?
Tell me, what’s she all about?”

James smirked a smile before he replied

James: “She’s about the craziest woman I’ve ever met in my life.
Took on a whole hodgepodge of Gryvian scum
Back in her academy days on Wani-Alum.
That’s right she’s one of them military brats!
Can’t you see her marching with a uniform and hat?
Well ITR was too exciting. She passed on all of that.
Then she found me and Dex, and that was that.”

Then came the moment Blayze had been dreading.
The tables were to be turned.
But this was better than any other setting.
If more of him was to be learned.

James: ” So what about you and your broomstick little lady?
I know y’all are from The Trace.
But that’s a long way out from here.
What brought you guys to this place?”

Blayze: “Pandora and I were in The War.
She took some heavy damage.
Both psychological and physical.
I figured it’d help help chances
To get out of town while we still could
We could live off ITR work.
That’s been our one and only plan.
The job we’ll never shirk.

I’m worried about Pandora.
She hasn’t been the same
Since war in The Sylvani Trace
Changed our entire game.
And Amanda sent her off on her own,
I know she’s capable,
But I still worry. You know?”

James nodded in simple acknowledgement,
Then they wheeled round and heard,
A creak in the floor behind them,
They paused to listen to the stir.
When no more sounds came forth from there,
They turned and continued the hunt.
The Gryvian smiled invisibly and thought:

Troop: “Let’s visit the skinny runt!”

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Escape From Coolidge’s Pad in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

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