
All audiobooks produced by Joshua David Ling that are not commissioned by clients for commercial release are 100% free to download and listen to, and may be listened to or purchased at the links in the list below.

Poetry For Warriors:

(Completed Audiobooks are linked in green.
Text-Only books awaiting audio recordings are in yellow.
Partially complete Audiobooks are linked in orange.
Written or partially written books coming soon are in red)

(Children’s Stories)
-Alexander Obvious Collection 1:
β€” Episode 1 – Alexander Obvious And The Copperhead Kerfuffle
β€” Episode 2 – Alexander Obvious And The Cicada Symphony

(Zombie Horror)
-Bards Vs. Zombies Season 1 (Breaking Outbreak):
β€” Episode 1 – Next Stop Wichita
β€” Episode 2 – Run Like Hell

(Urban Fantasy)
-Craic In The World Season 1 (These Last Days):
β€” Episode 1 – Come Together
β€” Episode 2 – The Child Of Hart
β€” Episode 3 – The Tome

(Traditional Fairy Stories)
-Folk & Fairy Tales Season 1 (The Green Dragon Book):
β€” Episode 1 – The Stone Cutter
β€” Episode 2 – The Rhyming Little Mermaid
β€” Episode 3 – The Soldier On Stone Mountain
β€” Episode 4 – Rhyming Cinderella
β€” Episode 5 – Bucky And Joe (The Tortoise And The Hare)
β€” Episode 6 – Rhyming Thumbelina

(Team Superhero)
– Guardians Of Atlanta Season 1 (The Legend of Stone Mountain):
β€” Episode 1 – Cyclone Jones: The Long Summer
β€” Episode 2 – Crusader: The White Knight
β€” Episode 3 – Cyclone Jones: Standing Peachtree
β€” Episode 4 – Crusader: The Exile of William Avery
β€” Episode 5 – The Great Phantasma
β€” Episode 6 – Crusader: Leader of The Guardians
β€” Episode 7 – Mirror: The Blessed Twin
β€” Episode 8 – The Freakshow & The Eclipse
β€” Episode 9 – The Legend of Stone Mountain Part 1
β€” Episode 10 – The Legend of Stone Mountain Part 2
β€” Episode 11 – The Legend of Stone Mountain Part 3
– Guardians Of Atlanta Season 2 (TBD):
β€” Episode 12 – Christmas In Dixie
-Soldiers Of Fortune Season 1 (TBD):
β€” Episode 1 – Inheritance

(Paranormal Horror)
– Ghost Trucker Season 1 (En Route to Fort Bragg):
β€” Episode 1 – Stragglers
β€” Episode 2 – Coyotes

-Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair Season 1 (Dog Days):
β€” Episode 1 – Everything Goes Right
β€” Episode 2 – Escape From Coolidge’s Pad
β€” Episode 3 – Where Is James Washington?
β€” Episode 4 – The Boy Who Came Home
β€” Episode 5 – The Museum
β€” Episode 6 – The Hunt Begins
β€” Episode 7 – The Tool Box

(Traditional Fantasy)
-Notes Of Destiny Season 1 (The War for Harmadonia):
β€” Episode 1 – The Windy Wood
β€” Episode 2 – The Sacred Forest
β€” Episode 3 – Into The Pirate’s Nest Part 1
β€” Episode 4 – Into The Pirate’s Nest Part 2
β€” Episode 5 – Lolly and The Quill

(Comedy Superhero)
-SHAPE Season 1 (Breaking Out):
β€” Episode 1 – A New Team
β€” Episode 2 – School’s Out Or Bummer

(Solo Superhero)
-World Wide Warrior Season 1 (Origins):
β€” Episode 1 – The Warrior of California Part 1
β€” Episode 2 – The Warrior of California Part 2
β€” Episode 3 – World Wide Warrior
β€” Episode 4 – Lucha Libre De La eMe
– Freakshow & Eclipse Season 1 (Who Is Amy?):
β€” Episode 1 – Starting Over

– World Of Wrestling Season 1 (Beauty And The Bigdog):
β€” Episode 1 – A Rookie Rises
β€” Episode 2 – A Mentor Appears
β€” Episode 3 – A Supergirl’s Legacy
β€” Episode 4 – A Bigdog’s Identity
β€” Episode 5 – Over The Rainbow
β€” Episode 6 – The Tournament Part 1

Older and Public Domain Books:

(Coming Soon)