ITR50 – Interviewing Amanda Canine
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ITR50 – Interviewing Amanda Canine

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 50 (Interviewing Amanda Canine) Jarvis set armed guards on Pandora And Blayze as well. He split them up and put them- In two different holding cells. As he finished noting his thoughts, He commanded the last captive be sent in. His daughter Amanda was escorted to her chair- And…

ITR49 – Secret Psyche
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ITR49 – Secret Psyche

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 49 (Secret Psyche) Jarvis: “So I’ve got a vampiric junkie- A med school flunkie, And what might you two be?” Jarvis got up and paced the room. Jarvis: “I dare you to surprise me. “

Pandora and Blayze stared at the officer- No intent toward revealing their lives. Jarvis: “By…

ITR48 – Interviewing Dex Cramer
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ITR48 – Interviewing Dex Cramer

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 48 (Interviewing Dex Cramer) Dex: “Look man, you’re not going to get us to talk! We’ve beat guys way tougher than you! You think you’ve got the iron will to crack us? You’re like some… Cruddy old… Shoe!” Jarvis sat with arms folded, And violently rolled his eyes. He…

ITR47 – Interviewing James Washington
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ITR47 – Interviewing James Washington

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 47 (Interviewing James Washington) James: “Let go of me!” James Washington said, As he was pulled into a conference room. “You wanna go?!” He threw one guard down And was cuffed as Jarvis loomed- Over James with a smug grin on his face, Enjoying his moment of power. Jarvis:…

ITR46 – Daddy Issues
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ITR46 – Daddy Issues

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 46 (Daddy Issues) Jarvis: “You are all to immediately stand down Under federal galactic law.” Commander Canine took a step forward with his hands behind his back And the firm set of his jaw. Jarvis: “James Washington, you’re wanted For illegal tech repair, And medical malpractice in the ancillary…

ITR45 – Mega-Trapped
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ITR45 – Mega-Trapped

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 45 (Mega-Trapped) Amanda’s eyes widened, And her knees turned to jelly. She buckled and fell to the floor. James: “Come on, this is silly! We can take them in a fight!” Dex: “No man. We can’t. Didn’t you hear who’s caught us?” Pandora began to pant. Blayze: “That’s Amanda’s…

ITR44 – Covering Up
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ITR44 – Covering Up

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 44 (Covering Up) Blayze: “Pandora! Please! Stop thrashing around! You’re perfectly safe right now!” Amanda: “Well we won’t be in a couple of minutes If we don’t figure out how- To get out of this lockdown With our skins intact!” James: “Do we have a service entrance?” Dex: “No….

ITR43 – Deja_Vu.exe
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ITR43 – Deja_Vu.exe

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 43 (Deja_Vu.exe) Pandora and Dex had the simple task, Of disabling the museum’s OS. Pandora worked on disabling the code, That kept them from progress. Dex, meanwhile, prepped the new- OS on some disks, Dex: “I love cakewalk jobs like this. I wish more of these did exist.” Pandora:…

ITR42 – Getting Inside
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ITR42 – Getting Inside

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 42 (Getting Inside) Screech went the glass cutter in Amanda’s hands, As the crew waited off to the side. James: “You’d think they’d be able to afford digital glass.” Dex: “Out here in the boonies? Yeah right!” Amanda: “Would you two jabber-jaws quit yapping your traps? I’m trying to…

ITR41 – A Sweet Gig
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ITR41 – A Sweet Gig

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 41 (A Sweet Gig) Amanda sat by the com device. She knew he’d call any second. But her bored and tired demeanor Showed it was taking longer than she reckoned. Finally the ringtone sounded And she answered it lightning fast. Amanda: “This is Amanda.” She announced with a…