GOA71 – Finally…
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GOA71 – Finally…

Guardians Of Atlanta 71 (Finally) “Wires are such a simple thing.” Clipper thought to himself. “They carry a signal from one end to the other, And they never ask for help.” He stripped a few more red wires, And wrapped them to terminal ends. He closed the casing on the project he’d finished And began…

GOA72 – Normal Little Boy
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GOA72 – Normal Little Boy

Guardians Of Atlanta 72 (Normal Little Boy) Once there was a boy named Marlynn. Who was just like you or me. He played outside, loved to run, And even to climb trees. His life was as normal as could be Except for how he was raised. He was stolen from his family as a young…

GOA73 – Mother Vs. Son
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GOA73 – Mother Vs. Son

Guardians Of Atlanta 73 (Mother Vs. Son) Blacksquawk: “What is this? Where did it come from?” Marlynn: “Please don’t burn it! I’ll become numb! I love The Lord. At least I want to.” Blacksquawk: “You stupid boy! Think of all I’ve given you! The Lord hates all of our conjurings. I can hardly say his…

GOA74 – A Day In The Life Of A Freakshow
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GOA74 – A Day In The Life Of A Freakshow

Guardians Of Atlanta 74 (A Day In The Life Of A Freakshow) Peanut butter crackers? He’d be eating well. Today was the 75th day Since Marlynn had cast a spell. And it had been 12 years since Those horrible events That put him on the run, And into madness sent. But God was blessing him….

GOA75 – The Forbidden Darkness
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GOA75 – The Forbidden Darkness

Guardians Of Atlanta 75 (The Forbidden Darkness) Marlynn: “What?” He asked with a confused look. Marlynn: “Who are you? Why are you here?” Girl: “I’m so lost. And so are you. We are both-… We’re-” The girl looked behind her with a short gasp. But then looked at him and laughed. Girl: “Angels brought me…

GOA76 – Diagnosis: Day One
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GOA76 – Diagnosis: Day One

Guardians Of Atlanta 76 (Diagnosis: Day 1) This poem is written in the voice of Marlynn Xanadu. In all my life I’ve never seen Such a creature as her. Such beauty externally she bears And there’s something inside that’s pure. However it’s obvious it’s been defiled By something much more deep. Her mind is not…

GOA77 – Diagnosis: Day Two
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GOA77 – Diagnosis: Day Two

Guardians Of Atlanta 77 (Diagnosis: Day Two) This poem is written in the voice of Marlynn Xanadu. What a night it was indeed. Amy slept very well. I however tossed and turned Wondering what kind of spell Or who would ever inflict this damage On themselves or another? It was a puzzle I had to…

GOA78 – Study Study Study
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GOA78 – Study Study Study

Guardians Of Atlanta 78 (Study Study Study) This poem is written in the voice of Amy (And her personalities) Day Juan: This is the tale of a man Who actually thinks he can help me. What a fool he is to think He can help this one be free. Mountain of Stone, That is my…

GOA79 – Darkness Unleashed
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GOA79 – Darkness Unleashed

Guardians Of Atlanta 79 (Darkness Unleashed) As Amy was writing, the door was kicked in And a man entered without a word. He pointed some hand-held device at her. And he did not deter, To use it to shoot out a sticky glob That stuck Amy to a wall, neutralized. Then he pulled out a…

GOA80 – Trust
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GOA80 – Trust

Guardians Of Atlanta 80 (Trust) As Marlynn’s eyes lingered on Amy, She screamed and tried to run. But of course, she couldn’t, Because to the wall she clung. Marlynn tip-toed over cautiously Trying to put her at ease. Marlynn: “I’m sorry that I scared you, Amy. But please listen. Please. I know that looked very…