GOA41 – And The Show Goes On
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GOA41 – And The Show Goes On

Guardians Of Atlanta 41 (And The Show Goes On) A little while later, the police arrived and took Uncle Andy to jail. The clowns were rounded up, everyone was questioned, and justice did not fail. Cyrus stuck around to see the rest of the carnival meet. Fans and carney-folk stayed near the stage to watch…

GOA42 – A Circus Girl
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GOA42 – A Circus Girl

Guardians Of Atlanta 42 (A Circus Girl) Once there was a little girl Born into a carnival. She never knew who her parents were. She was raised by them all. This was the tradition amongst the band- Of misfits with life on the road, All children at Uncle Andy’s Would help to share the load….

GOA43 – The Great Phantasma’s Wand
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GOA43 – The Great Phantasma’s Wand

Guardians Of Atlanta 43 (The Great Phantasma’s Wand) Carnival life can be very hard on anyone, great or small. But for Bobby Carter, the hardest things were what he loved most of all. The summer he turned ten, he began to do more chores. Pounding tent stakes, hauling loads, and selling tickets in scores. Then…

GOA44 – A Dream Girl
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GOA44 – A Dream Girl

Guardians Of Atlanta 44 (A Dream Girl) During Bobby Carter’s 21st Summer In the middle of the season’s tour Bobby Carter got a whole lot more That he ever bargained for. True the ride was smooth as ever, Across the tracks and towns. But this Summer something happened That would forever make him smile and…

GOA45 – Try Again, Uncle Andy
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GOA45 – Try Again, Uncle Andy

Guardians Of Atlanta 45 (Try Again, Uncle Andy) James Rigger sat in a cell, Straight Jacket holding his arms. He chuckled quietly to himself, He didn’t want to raise the alarm. His door then opened slowly And he expected to see That annoying psych person again, They just wouldn’t let him be! Instead he saw…

GOA46 – Project Eclipse
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GOA46 – Project Eclipse

Guardians Of Atlanta 46 (Project Eclipse) The man’s fingers played across The cold and lifeless skin. Willing and wishing the flesh Would one day rise again. The cold and sterile metal room Was as dark as it was cold, And the man’s bodyguard stood by the door, A figure strong and bold. Red Death: “Things…

GOA47 – The Fate of William Avery
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GOA47 – The Fate of William Avery

Guardians Of Atlanta 47 (The Fate of William Avery) On a dark and overcast night, William returned to his dwelling. The air seemed ominous, dark, and compelling. The hair stood up
on the back of his neck And as he went inside, his emotions were a wreck. It had been six months exactly since his life…

GOA48 – A Rocky Start
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GOA48 – A Rocky Start

Guardians Of Atlanta 48 (A Rocky Start) A purple mist filled the room as William grabbed his sword Knox. He stood by the doorway, fully prepared,
 because he had no locks. He had to protect his dwelling by any and all means. Then his periphery was invaded by quite an amazing scene. He turned and…

GOA49 – The Mission
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GOA49 – The Mission

Guardians Of Atlanta 49 (The Mission) After the confusion had come to a close, Cyrus cleared a table. The three unlikely heroes sat, Ready, Willing, and Able. Cyrus dialed a special number on her mobile phone. And the computerized voice of Mr. H came After a fake dial tone. Mr. H: “Am I on speaker…

GOA50 – Hidden Plans
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GOA50 – Hidden Plans

Guardians Of Atlanta 50 (Hidden Plans) In a small office room in Alethea Church Dodd entertained some clients. A man in a suit and short haircut Who seemed completely self-reliant. But the man who commanded the most attention Sat relaxed with them. He was a man in his 40’s with a bald head, And glee…