ITR33 – The Barn
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ITR33 – The Barn

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 33 (The Barn) Spying on others really wasn’t Blayze’s thing. He valued his own privacy a lot. But he figured he could just make sure that Dex, Didn’t have some strange evil plot. If nothing was over the top with bad, He’d leave Dex to his own deeds. But…

ITR32 – Eyes Open
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ITR32 – Eyes Open

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 32 (Eyes Open) The crash was deafening. But Dex managed it to be, Relatively painless And injury free. Wendall came on screen And began to explain How their ship was damaged, And it was pouring rain. The Asteroid they landed on Was simply called Tarmish. A tiny, little, insignificant,…

ITR31 – Crashing
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ITR31 – Crashing

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair (Crashing) The beeping increasingly grew louder, As did Amanda’s voice. Amanda: “Why are we stopping here and not Yovanna?!” Dex: “We didn’t have a choice!

” Dex gripped the controls in his hands, As the ship shook, and shuddered, and rocked, Determined to get them safely to Tarmish. The course…

ITR30 – Keep On Sailing
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ITR30 – Keep On Sailing

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 30 (Keep On Sailing) Soon all of The Magnus Canis’
s Crew had awoken. Blayze tended to Pandora’s wounds, And a few words were spoken, For Mason, James’ attacker and friend, Who was so very lost, And so determined to revenge James, He paid the ultimate cost. A few hours…

ITR29 – What Doctors Fear Most
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ITR29 – What Doctors Fear Most

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 29 (What Doctors Fear Most) Into the galley they went. Pandora with James in tow. Mason had turned all the lights off. So in darkness they did go. James switched on his gun’s headlamp. And swept around the room. And the light jittered nervously- Due to James’ hands and…

ITR28 – Trembles
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ITR28 – Trembles

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 28 (Trembles) James Washington rummaged here and there, Pulling out every weapon he could. James always kept a heavy arsenal In his bed crates made of wood. Seeing Pandora fighting like she did, Made him feel he’d seen a ghost. And at this point, a feeling of safety,…

ITR27 – Is Pandora A Zombie?
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ITR27 – Is Pandora A Zombie?

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 27 (Is Pandora A Zombie?) Just as the trigger was about to be squeezed, On Mason’s custom hand gun, Pandora sat up straight like a zombie, And both men began to run. Pandora jumped in Mason’s way And began to punch and kick, James looked at the bullet…

ITR26 – Mason
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ITR26 – Mason

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 26 (Mason) James: “What in the hell did you just do?!” James dropped to his knees and checked, For a pulse or any sign of life, Coming from Pandora’s neck. Unknown voice: “I didn’t plan on anyone else getting hurt. But I guess you didn’t teach me well….

ITR25 – Empty Halls
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ITR25 – Empty Halls

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 25 (Empty Halls) James: “We should stop and pick up weapons too, In case some idiot rock- Finds this ship and isn’t to fond of us, Or wants to loot us for stock.” Pandora: “Sounds like as good a plan is any! Let’s get up and start the…

ITR24 – Head Keeping
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ITR24 – Head Keeping

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 24 (Head Keeping) Pandora took James’ advice, And tried to keep her head. Even though inside she was panicking, She called up Dex instead. Pandora: “Dex! Come in! Are you there?
” But all she could hear Was the the ship’s slowly leaking air. James: “Try Amanda. She’ll know…