WWW11 – Quick Prep
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WWW11 – Quick Prep

World Wide Warrior 11 (Quick Prep) The three of our heroes worked through the night, To ready the Silversmith home. Jonathan, Rayen and Braden, Only some of them could roam. It was decided Jonathan would stay, After he volunteered. Jonathan: “I got your guys’ back on this one. ‘Sides, I don’t think they’re coming back…

WWW12 – The PO Box
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WWW12 – The PO Box

World Wide Warrior 12 (The PO Box) All through the night Rayen drove Sacramento’s Six hour drive. Braden slept in case of emergency. If there was an attack, he’d thrive. Soon the sun would rise in the East, But just before that event, Braden was awoken by his grandmother, Announcing that they were present. Rayen:…

WWW13 – Just As Good
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WWW13 – Just As Good

World Wide Warrior 13 (Just As Good) The men stood in a semi-cricle All wore baggy black fatigues Hair stood up on Rayen’s neck, She knew these men would not cease. The head man’s voice was level As was the barrel of his gun And he spoke quietly as he said Man: “Don’t even try…

WWW14 – The Tape
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WWW14 – The Tape

World Wide Warrior 14 (The Tape) And so begins the contents of The tape the Silversmiths found. Try to listen to the words, And pay attention to it’s sounds… Chris Magnus: “I’m just about to head into Humkukingh, A local establishment, To seek information, undercover About our local government. The men who come to this…

WWW15 – Private Citizens
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WWW15 – Private Citizens

World Wide Warrior 15 (Private Citizens) Police Officer: “I’m sorry Mrs. Silversmith, There’s nothing I can do.” The Police Officer impatiently stood up. Rayen: “You are being a fool! Do you not hear what these men said?” Police Officer: “I heard it all perfectly well. But we do not know who these men were, And…

WWW16 – Army Dave’s
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WWW16 – Army Dave’s

World Wide Warrior 16 (Army Dave’s) Braden: “This is not at all what I meant.” Braden said with a puzzled face. “I was thinking some kind of protest. Rayen: “Braden, we must give chase! Do you not realize, the skills between us two? Your skills in combat and athleticism, And my computer abilities too? I…

WWW17 – Deep Breath
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WWW17 – Deep Breath

World Wide Warrior 17 (Deep Breath) Following their trip to Army Dave’s Braden and Rayen got a hotel room. They put together all of their knowledge But still felt a sense of gloom. Braden now had a stealth suit ready And communication between them was set. They had their plans all together, But something wasn’t…

WWW18 – Time To Go To Work
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WWW18 – Time To Go To Work

World Wide Warrior 18 (Time To Go To Work) In an alleyway by a ritzy hotel, Braden Silversmith skulked. He wore dark clothes to conceal himself, And his trepidations came in bulk. In his ear, a tiny speaker Spoke Rayen’s commands. Rayen: “Alright, Nahuel, One more time- Let’s go over the plan.” Braden prepared to…

WWW19 – Watch out, here I come!
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WWW19 – Watch out, here I come!

World Wide Warrior 19 (Watch Out, Here I come!) Up the side of the building Braden went, Trying hard to stay out of sight. His focus narrowed to the here and now With preparation for fight or flight. Once up upon the fire escape, Braden took out a few of his tools. He waited for…

WWW20 – Rooftops
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WWW20 – Rooftops

World Wide Warrior 20 (Rooftops) Braden ducked behind a door, And shot as his pursuers. Meanwhile, Mukhtar took the Governor And two of his choice evildoers. Rayen: “I’m tracking Mukhtar’s movements. Are you still okay?!” Braden: “Shootout, but I’m fine, Grandma. Lock down this freaking place!” Rayen: “I’m working on the password now. I have…