NOD5 – Bogs Vs. Pirates
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NOD5 – Bogs Vs. Pirates

Notes Of Destiny 5 (Bogs Vs. Pirates) The sheds the Bogs owned were smaller Moras, Hollowed out at the base. It probably wasn’t a great place to hide. But Windy just wanted to escape. The pirates charged right after her And cursed her all the way, But soon hot steam poured out of the laundry…

NOD4 – Tattle-Tale
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NOD4 – Tattle-Tale

Notes Of Destiny 4 (Tattle-Tale) Windy couldn’t bear to watch. Slave traders could be so cruel. Especially the Pirate kind, Who treated people like tools. So she decided quickly, To go tell Papa Bog. She thought he might be back at home. So she ran. She didn’t jog. Papa Bog adopted many kids, Herself and…

NOD3 – Tales Of The Winged Isle
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NOD3 – Tales Of The Winged Isle

Notes Of Destiny 3 (Tales of The Winged Isle) On the first day of the Fairwood Festival, Most were shopping for goods. Some merchants only came once a year And everyone thought one should. But Windy went on day one, Every year to see-
Darris, The great Centaur-Bard Tell stories of the brave and free Through…

NOD2 – Trouble In Ka’Lanner’s Courts
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NOD2 – Trouble In Ka’Lanner’s Courts

Notes of Destiny 2 (Trouble In Ka’Lanner’s Courts) The red and orange banners Fluttered in the breeze. Ka’Lanner was in full vestige For The birthday of Queen Rhys. The summer air was slightly cool For that time of year, And all the giant windows were open In The Ballroom of Gan Mir. The people dressed…

NOD1 – Autumn Excitement
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NOD1 – Autumn Excitement

Notes Of Destiny 1 (Autumn Excitement) Windy Bog went for a jog, And came around a bend. The smell of hickory hit her nose, And made dreams of autumn blend. The leaves were red and orange and brown And yellow, her favorite shades, And the Fairwood festival would soon be here. The Great Songwriter she…

CTW10 – The Protectors Reform
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CTW10 – The Protectors Reform

Craic In The World 10 (The Protectors Reform) When all was said, and all was done, They sat together. Their battle was won. Patty filled Ted in as much as she could. Then Zoe told stories of evil and good. She told them of the event that was set off in time, And how Earth…

CTW9 – To Catch A Werewolf
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CTW9 – To Catch A Werewolf

Craic In The World 9 (To Catch A Werewolf) Patty grabbed a cricket bat, From off the wall at the pub. Jayshawn grabbed himself one too, To use as a sort of club. The werewolf man was almost upon her, Zoe trembled and backed away. Now there was no time to wait for Cumina. They…

CTW8 – Werewolf On The Loose
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CTW8 – Werewolf On The Loose

Craic In The World 8 (Werewolf On The Loose) But when Jayshawn got to the front door, He looked out and saw a sight. A snarling, hairy, wolf-man-beast, Making everyone run in fright. Patty came running, Patty: β€œTed Got out! We have to capture him now! Before he hurts anyone else!” Cumina: β€œOr hurts himself…

CTW7 – More Than Can Be Imagined
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CTW7 – More Than Can Be Imagined

Craic In The World 7 (More Than Can Be Imagined) Patty Hallet sat with Jayshawn, His jaw dropped open in shock. Patty Hallet chugged down her beer. And then wiped some foam from her smock. Patty: β€œMy brother changes back and forth, Not knowing when it will happen. But sure enough, he is the Werewolf,…

CTW6 – The Tale of Ted Hallett
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CTW6 – The Tale of Ted Hallett

Craic In The World 6 (The Tale of Ted Hallett) Darkness was upon Ballyshannon. It was too hot to work in the day. And so, at the ruins of Culahill Castle, They worked the night away. The archaeologists were lead, By native, Theodore Hallett the fifth. His fathers worked on this same site, It’s secrets…