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NOD3 – Tales Of The Winged Isle

Notes Of Destiny 3
(Tales of The Winged Isle)

On the first day of the Fairwood Festival,
Most were shopping for goods.
Some merchants only came once a year
And everyone thought one should.
But Windy went on day one,
Every year to see-
The great Centaur-Bard
Tell stories of the brave and free
Through trials grave and hard.

He came a long way from Alogolis.
Home of all his kind,
Centaurs didn’t travel abroad very often,
But, he never did mind.
For he was growing old in years,
And his heart longed to see,
All the places told to him in stories
Of the brave and the free.

His white beard, mane, and coat
Sat against his dark blue cloak.
And a white ruffled shirt underneath that,
And a beautiful firefly broach.
His hooves tapped the ground and all who gathered
Sat in attention to hear,
The stories of Darris The Centaur-Bard,
And his travels both far and near.

Darris: “Thank you all for coming today.
It’s a privilege to be here.
Now if you’d be so very kind,
Please lend me your ear.
For I have tales to tell,
Of a place of mystery.
North of here, The Winged Isle.
And what there I did see?

Well as you know, the place seems deserted
To the naked eye.
A simple, dessert, table-land
On crags that reach the sky.
The only thing that we can spot
From the cliffs at sea,
Are The spiraling spires of Kashlawn Spier.
The ruined castle that once was free.
Yet no one knows the mysterious answer
Of this exotic place.
How did they build on these cliffs,
Without a single trace-
Of a footpath, pulleys, or ropes?
Some people have their thoughts,
But some suspect there were people who lived there.
With wings to fly like hawks.”

Windy’s heart began to soar.
These were her favorite tales.
Legends of The Winged People.
Who flew over the wind’s great gales.
It did not matter to her,
Which specific tale it was.
The stories of The Winged People
Set Windy’s heart a-buzz.

After hearing the tale
Of battles and romance,
Darris told them of his journeys
And broke them out of their trance.

Darris: “And at the beginning of this year,
The Winged Isle I passed.
But what I saw was something amazing,
That in my mind will last…”

He had them all on the edge of their seats,
While he paused for dramatic power.

Darris: “I saw smoke rising
From Kashlawn Spier’s tallest tower.”

A collective gasp came from the crowd.
But some followed up with laughs.
Darris said farewell to them all,
And some put money in his hat.
Windy made to do so too.
But something caught her eye.
Four pirates were shoving a handsome slave boy.
And striking him, making him cry.

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy The Windy Wood in eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

If you’re strapped for cash, you can still help out by sharing this tale with your friends in-person, text, or on social media!

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