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NOD12 – Russpine

Notes of Destiny 12

While images of Ka’Lanner danced in their heads,
A rustling in the woods all around-
Served to wake them from exhausted sleep,
And what they saw served to shock and astound.

A few yards away, stood a young tree spirit,
Pine by his look and his leaves,
He was hiding in a boulder’s shadow,
And watched he as if they were thieves.


Excuse me!” He said, with his hands in the air,
You two need to go.
This is sacred ground you camp on.
I’ll get in trouble, you know?!”

Windy looked at Fort, 
And Fort took the lead.

Fort: “We know we trespass-
But you must believe,
We would not have taken,
Such a path as this,
If it was in our power
To desist.”

The tree looked around nervously
And Windy continued their entreaty.
Windy: “We seek passage to a harbor,
Where we may take a ship,
Our destination is Ka’Lanner.
Will you help us make our trip?”

The Tree came slightly closer,
As did Windy and Fort.
“My name is Russpine.” It said,
And you do not look like the sort-
Of degenerates and cowards
Who’ve been burning down my wood.
If you’re to leave from the Sacred Harbor
The chances there are good-
That you’d reach Ka’Lanner,
All in one piece,
But alas, The harbor-
Isn’t ready in the least.
It needs boatmen, and sailors
to tie up the boats,
It needs repairmen and shipwrights,
And someone to take notes!
They will be coming soon,
At least, I pray-
That legions will be born on Saol Nua’s Day.”

Fort: “Saol Nua?” Fort asked,
“What is that Russpine, sir?”

Russpine: “You’re not from Fairwood.
If you don’t know, ask her.”
He pointed to Windy 
Who shrugged and explained.
Windy: “In legend, it’s the day,
From whence spirits came.
Pixies, sprites, and tree spirits too,
Saol Nua is renewal,
For everything in view.”

Russpine: “Yes, and it’s only a few days away.
And there are evil men burning here.
Tell me your names. I could use some help!
That is, if we are clear…
Without Saol Nua’s revival,
You won’t have a ship.”

Fort: “Our names are Fort and Windy.
And we’d be happy to help with it.”

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