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NOD11 – Off Into The Woods

Notes of Destiny
(Off Into The Woods)

Windy returned from her now former home,
Excited to travel, gallivant and roam.
With Fort by her side, she’d have nothing to fear.
And her girlish smile traced from ear to ear.
But that all changed as she neared the docks.
The sounds of screaming and fighting, were quite a shock.
And as the spot she left Fort at came into view,
She saw 3 guards, and one yelled-

Guard: “Hey you!”

He pointed at her, raising his voice,
And Fort slipped away, without much of a choice.
He ran from them as quick as he could,
The guards gave chase. But their pace was no good.
Fort grabbed Windy’s hand and together they stole away,
Keeping close to the shadowy trees, to hide their escape way.
They ran and ran, gaining space ‘tween their pursuers.
And soon, they were alone, with no further viewers.

The night was dark, and the air grew cold.
Fort watched for signs of movement, vigilant and bold.

Fort: “They came while you were gone.” His whisper was faint.
“They really aren’t ones for showing restraint.”

Windy: “What do we do? Where will we go?”

Fort: “I must admit, at the moment, I don’t know.
You know this forest better than I.
Where are we at? Can you tell by the sky?”

Windy looked up.

Windy: “No.
The trees are too thick.
And after all that running, I think I might be sick.”

Fort: “I’m confident that we are far out of sight.
We have some supplies thanks to you, We should camp for the night.”

They huddled together in a hollow Mora’s face.
And together they slept, in that tiny cramped space.
Tomorrow with sun, they’d find their bearings.
For now, they were lost. But there was no despairing.
They had made a leap, they were now free.
Even if they were sleeping, in a wild tree.

“Onward to Ka’Lanner!” Their dreams sang in their rest.
“Onward to Ka’Lanner. That is your great quest!”

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