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GOA52 – The Knights Attack

Guardians Of Atlanta 52
(The Knights Attack)

Back at the old stone Church where
William sat with Bobby and Cyrus,
They were working on a plan together
to save Master, Fenris.

Bobby: “I don’t know, man. If your bro’s
Are half as jumpy as you,
I think that we can scare them all
Halfway to Timbuktu.”

Cyrus: “And if that fails, we’re dealing with
A host of strong, trained Knights.”

William: “We may not have to wait for that.
Look out the window to your right.”

They looked out the window and saw 20 knights
Staring back at them.

William: “Listen quickly!” He said rising
“Though they are strong men,
They will not overtake us,
If we do this right!

Wizard, stand 20 feet from the door.
Your wand, have by your side.
Cyrus is it? Come with me.
I have a plan for you.
We’re going up to the roof.
Do exactly as I say to do.”

A few minutes later, the knights moved in.
They opened the door and were greeted within
By purple shadows and sounds of many a different shape,
And William walked downstairs and threw aside his cape.
As he did, the knights shivered,
And a lightning bolt added effect to their quiver.

Bobby’s illusion grew strong on Will,
Who now seemed so tall that the room was filled.
He spoke while Cyrus accented his tone
With currents of rain, and Thunder that shook them to the bone.

William: “Leave this place now if you value your soul.
Leave and never come back.”

He then drew Cromwell into his hands
As lightning and thunder cracked.

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Crusader: Leader Of The Guardians in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

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