GOA11 – The Rearing of William Avery
Guardians Of Atlanta 11
(The Rearing of William Avery)
The rearing of William Avery was the best that it could be.
From the age of three he learned to sing in four part harmony.
At five, he learned to fence and soon he learned to read and write.
But the Bible was his one true joy in morning and at night.
When William was eight, he was great at wrestling large and small.
His rival was Brock, who’s heart and stock was admired by the Knights all.
Fifty-fifty Brock and William every fight would go.
Neither wanted to be the one to take the final blow.
Oh, the rearing of William Avery with fire in his bones.
His friends, they loved him endlessly he’d never be alone.
His Savior loved him even more and taught him every day,
To love his fellow knight and neighbor, and always to obey.
When William turned ten he got Calvin, the name of his first sword.
Short sword it was but named after a man who loved The Lord’s Word.
Will treasured his sacred tool and learned to protect and fight.
And he never was without Calvin in morning or at night.
The Knights encouraged William in the way to stand up tall.
Every Sunday singing hymns to Christ The Lord of all.
Be Thou My Vision, Come Thou Fount, and the Old 100th Psalm
William Avery sang to God and with heart waved a palm.
Oh, the rearing of William Avery with fire in his bones.
His friends, they loved him endlessly he’d never be alone.
His Savior loved him even more and taught him every day,
To love his fellow knight and neighbor, and always to obey.
Sixteen years the boy had lived, and Calvin grew too small.
So at a party with his friends His Master engaged them all.
“The time has come-” Fenris said, “For William to obtain-”
“A new Longsword, shiny and new, and Knox is this sword’s name.”
At eighteen years William had his first fight in the city.
A man attacked a woman and he would not give her pity.
Will disarmed the violent man of the knife which he had held.
And with one hold of crippling pow’r the violent man was quelled.
Oh, the rearing of William Avery with fire in his bones.
His friends, they loved him endlessly he’d never be alone.
His Savior loved him even more and taught him every day,
To love his fellow knight and neighbor, and always to obey.
At twenty-one William had his training fully complete.
The knights gathered together to see William gain a seat.
Among the masters now he was, a young and bold-hearted knight.
But Malachi Dodd their leader, had one more surprise in sight.
When knights from their craft graduate, they receive a present.
A weapon of specialty to suit their personal talent.
Malachi gave Will a greatsword fifty inches in length.
William named it Cromwell, and thanked God for it’s strength.
Oh, the rearing of William Avery with fire in his bones.
His friends, they loved him endlessly he’d never be alone.
His Saviour loved him even more and taught him every day,
To love his fellow knight and neighbor, and always to obey.
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