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NOD29 – Out of the fire, Into the Nest

Notes of Destiny 29 (Out of the fire, Into the Nest) Fort and Windy sat back in the brig, Alone, dejected, and hurt. Bleeding welts and wounds on their backs, Underneath their shirts. Theyโ€™d been whipped for trying to escape. Tragic wasnโ€™t playing anymore. And they knew that this was just the beginning. Of bad…

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NOD28 – Whims of the Sea

Notes of Destiny 28 (Whims of the Sea) The pirate who heard them wandered around. He seemed to sniff the breeze. The three huddled together, still as they could. Then they heard a sneeze. They and the pirate jerked their heads, And stared into the dark. Socks jumped out of a barrel And let out…

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NOD27 – The Escape Begins

Notes of Destiny 27 (The Escape Begins) After Windy was sent to the brig, There wasnโ€™t much time for talk. The guard on that shift was a rough old mate, Who paced wherever he walked. But later he was replaced by Socks, And Lolly filled them all in, On all the minute details of their…

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NOD26 – Tragic’s Magic

Notes of Destiny 26 (Tragicโ€™s Magic) All around the ship, Tragic made his rounds, Making sure all of his mates, Were busy and progress-bound. Windy was right by his side, As Tragic preferred her to be, And as they walked together, A sight came up to see. A crew member in a blue shirt, Began…

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NOD25 – Gathering Tools

Notes of Destiny 25 (Gathering Tools) Lolly and Fort began to gather, All the instruments they could, To escape their wretched prison, And Escape back to the open world. Lolly knew exactly where the lifeboats were, And the shifts of all at watch. She was telling Fort all of this, When a young man came…

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NOD24 – Dinner With Tragic

Notes of Destiny 24 (Dinner With Tragic) The spread was like sheโ€™d never seen, Inside Tragicโ€™s cabin, Shrimp as thick as her own arm, And hen meat strong and blackened. Fruits of every exotic kind, And all kinds of things from the sea. He dug into his succulent feast, With abandon- quite greedily. Windy attempted…

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NOD23 – In The Brig With Lolly

Notes of Destiny 23 (In The Brig With Lolly) When Fortinato had been in the brig for a while, He began to fear he was mad. He wondered what they were doing to Windy, And of what few rescuing chances he had. Dark and Dank the brig of the ship was. Musty and Salty was…

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NOD22 – Tragic Questions

Notes of Destiny 22 (Tragic Questions) The strange magic continued, And the crew bound their wrists And Fort and Windy knew not- Of what magic this did consist. Soon the magic died away, And they were forced to their knees. They looked up at Tragic, Whose voice put none at ease. His voice was rough…

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NOD21 – Caught

Notes of Destiny 21 (Caught) The Pirates charged the little boat, Vengeance in their wake. The Prince Fortinato and Windy Bog, Were their prized booty to take. Windy played her whistleknife, While Fort steered their wooden skiff. Soon a smell came upon them both, That made them gag when they sniffed. As the large pirated…

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NOD20 – Over The Waves

Notes of Destiny 20 (Over The Waves) Windy and Fort sailed late into the night, Then dropped their sails for sleep. And after they woke a few hours later, Their excitement they could not keep. Windy: โ€œThat was the coolest adventure ever! I canโ€™t believe we saved the wood!โ€ Fort: โ€œIt was an amazing journey,…