ITR13 – Cloaked
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ITR13 – Cloaked

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 13 (Cloaked) The Gryvian Troop made his way, Directly to the dump heap. He opened the door to that trash room And his eyes did a quick sweep. He saw there basically all that he needed And then began to retrieve-
Cooling tubes, Transmorphers, and other spare parts, To…

ITR12 – All Hands On Deck
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ITR12 – All Hands On Deck

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 12 (All Hands On Deck) And so they all set to work, James and Blayze out on the hunt Dex worked to salvage
A cloaking device to help the escape front. Pandora’s work was a little more difficult. She had to work to decrypt Sequences of lockdown code And…

ITR11 – No Time To Lose
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ITR11 – No Time To Lose

The Idiot’s Guide to Illegal Tech Repair 11 (No Time To Lose) Amanda wasted no time at all, Gathering her crew together. No lockdown would keep them apart, And no Gryvian would sever- The fight she had within herself Or within her team. They gathered in what Coolidge called his “Throne room” To cook up…

ITR10 – Lockdown
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ITR10 – Lockdown

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 10 (Lockdown) Dex: “You can’t be serious, You use that thing For more than just a paperweight?” Pandora: “I’m telling you Dex, with the Adams Codex, The system is really great!” Dex: “What in the world are you smoking girl? Jefferson’s a piece of junk!” And as they…

ITR9 – Storm’s A’Comin’
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ITR9 – Storm’s A’Comin’

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 9 (Storm’s A’Comin’) And so the band of techs arrived, At Coolidge’s space station home. The completely cloaked assortment of parts, Would have looked like a ring around a dome. If seen without it’s cloaking on, A sight it would be to behold! But coordinates sent to The…

ITR8 – A Call From Coolidge
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ITR8 – A Call From Coolidge

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 8 (A Call from Coolidge) Amanda came onto the Bridge, And sat before the video screen. Amanda: “Put Coolidge through, Wendall.” She said to the ship, 
And then Coolidge was on the screen. The balding young man looked somewhere between, The ages of 25 and 40. With a…

ITR7 – Prisoner
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ITR7 – Prisoner

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 7 (Prisoner) The Gryvian troop was brought aboard, And handcuffed to a chair. There wasn’t a shred of mercy, In his evil stare. But Amanda seemed unfazed by this, And instead began to pace, Back and forth in front of him, With swagger, and with grace. Amanda: “Well well…

ITR6 – Red Rover
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ITR6 – Red Rover

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 6 (Red Rover) The Shields went up And so did James, To the ship’s single gunner port. Blayze went to the bridge and Pandora stayed with Dex Their situation they needed to sort. Amanda watched with Blayze on the bridge, As they noted the tiny craft approaching. Amanda:…

ITR5 – The Grand Tour
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ITR5 – The Grand Tour

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 5 (The Grand Tour) Amanda: “Get up you bunch of slothy bums!” Amanda yelled without a qualm, “It’s time to get to to work, you two!” She yelled over the ship’s intercom. Blayze and Pandora arose groggily, And stepped onto the cold metal floor. Blayze chuckled inside himself,…

ITR4 – Orientation
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ITR4 – Orientation

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 4 (Orientation) As Pandora slept, a visual menu appeared. Every time she slept, this menu interfered. Oh how she’d love to get some real sleep! But tonight she felt the need to do a sweep. She went through her systems and found some video 
Embedded in her firmware…