GOA78 – Study Study Study
Guardians Of Atlanta 78
(Study Study Study)
This poem is written in the voice of Amy (And her personalities)
Day Juan:
This is the tale of a man
Who actually thinks he can help me.
What a fool he is to think
He can help this one be free.
Mountain of Stone, That is my home.
But he refuses to take me, instead-
He writes things down in his brightly lit book
And attempts to know what’s in my head.
Study Study Study,
My ugly-beautiful angel.
Study Study Study
And see what’s so painful.
I am lost but I beg to be found.
I almost see hope with you around.
Hope you stupid girl!?
There is no hope!
There is no way for you to cope
But make the sacrifice at the Mount of Stone!
No it isn’t right! I want my own home!
I’m longing for sister, for fiancé, for my love.
I set my eyes on the skies above.
Study Study Study,
My ugly-beautiful angel.
Study Study Study
And see what’s so painful.
I am lost but I beg to be found.
I almost see hope with you around.
Words and phrases all around
Sentences and fragments trickling down.
None of them speak what is churning inside.
Wriggling and writhing with no way to subside.
Lost lives and homes,
Broken Pieces sewn
Together into a mess of me.
I wonder what my fate is going to be.
Mountain is the stone.
Phillip K. Made me insane.
Atlanta answ-
Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy The Freakshow And The Eclipse in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)
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