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GOA66 – Miss Keri

Guardians Of Atlanta 66
(Miss Keri)

Keri: “Well, that was a crazy night.”

Keri Willis said as she entered-
Her apartment without Amira
And took a deep breath to get centered.

“I’m so glad she’s finally gone.
I was getting so sick of her.”

Then she saw in her periphery,
A blade slashing in a blur.
The next thing she knew, she was on the ground,
Wiping blood out of her eyes,
And hearing a manic but deep-throated laugh.

Uncle Andy: “Join us Miss Keri, or die.”

Keri: “I’ll join you! I’ll join you!” Keri screamed,
And balled herself up in a heap.

Uncle Andy: “After I plant this tracker in your brain,
Your initiation is complete.
Phillip is waiting for us in New York.
We have another girl to catch.
And you better help us with her, Keri.
I don’t want to make you more of a mess.”

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Mirror: The Blessed Twin in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

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