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WOW48 – Foggy Heads

World of Wrestling 48
(Foggy Heads)

Jessica: “I just want this nightmare to end!
I need to get back on top!”
Jessica powered through a right turn,
And didn’t even bother to stop.

Joshua: “What are you doing? You keep driving in circles.”

Jessica: “And it’s not even like-
Kytt is even a good wrestler!”

Joshua: “Jess, we have to go home tonight.
We have to… What was I saying?”
Joshua’s eyes began to flutter.

Jessica: “What are you going on about?
Did you hear me? Did I stutter?”

Joshua gritted his teeth,
And then he squinted his eyes.
And looked in pain as though,
A migraine was on the rise.

Jessica: “You’re crashing badly aren’t you?
You’re on those energy drinks again?
Look, we’re going back to the hotel.”

Then Jessica turned onto the main-
Street she needed to,
To take them back to their suite.

Jessica: “Just relax tonight. You had a great match
And you need to get some sleep.”

A few moments later,
They arrived back,
Joshua got out of the car,
But Jessica did lack-
The interest in following him inside.

Joshua: “Jessica, you need sleep too-
We need to get to bed tonight.”

Jessica: “I’m just going to drive around.
I need to clear my head.”

Jessica pulled off angrily,
And left Joshua on curb-
Joshua shaking his head,
Thinking she was acting absurd.
He wondered if she was acting like this-
Was anything really sure?
Then he whispered out loud

Joshua: “What’s gotten into her?”

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