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NOD32 – Something Strange About Windy

Notes of Destiny 32
(Something Strange About Windy)

The smell of the slimy pirate folk
Ascended to Windy’s nose,
That and the absence of her friend Fort
Caused her to be un-composed.
She tried to be brave but began to cry,
Losing her constant sense of hope.
The auctioneer began to sell her off
With rapidity he spoke.

Auctioneer: “25 here! 30 over there!
Do I hear another 45?
Think of the things you could do with this one!
Work, or give her a ride!”

The pirates continued to laugh and bid,
As Windy squirmed in her bonds.
A whip strike ripped through the back of her dress,
And Tragic realized something was wrong.

Tragic: “Stop at once! She’s not for sale!”

The crowd grew silent for a moment.
Then the crowd who’d lauded Tragic
Quickly became his opponents.

Tragic: “I have realized she’s more than I knew.
I have buyers who’ve need of this one.
No go away before I squish your brains!
This sale is over and done!”

The pirate folk jeered and went on their way
As Tragic approached Windy’s back.
He touched the strange dark spots
She had, and courtesy did not lack.
She shivered at the feel of his hand
Even though he was gentle and kind.

Tragic: “This changes everything little one.
Be thankful I caught it in time.”

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