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ITR15 – Airlock Blinky Talk

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 15
(Airlock Blinky Talk)

Amanda toiled in focus
As she worked her way toward the docks.
There were still a lot of things to check,
Such as buttons, knobs, and power stocks.
But as she moved along the dock,
She saw something move on her ship.
She moved closer to investigate,
And she didn’t like it one bit.
She saw Coolidge in the airlock window
Waving his hand-less upper-arm.
She could not hear a thing he said,
Ever since lockdown was alarmed.
She looked out into his eyes
As he stood there on her ship,
And she blinked her eyes in Morse code,
And this is what Coolidge read from the blips…

Amanda: “You are stupid. You know that?
How did you get trapped?”

Coolidge answered with blinks of his own.

Coolidge: “I didn’t I’d got jacked!
Did you know you had a Gryvian on board?”

Amanda: “Yes, and he was our freight!
But then you go snooping around my ship,
And now it might be too late!
He’s called out to Gryve for reinforcements!
They should be here in a few hours!”

Coolidge: “Then I’ll tell you the selective lockdown overrides-
And we’ll send this jerk to the showers!”

Amanda wrote down the special codes,
that would allow them to hunt down and trap,
The Gryvian troop on board the station,
And to free them from Coolidge’s Pad.
She kissed the window on the airlock,
And ran as fast as she could,
Down to the server room to help Pandora
And get them away for good!

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Escape From Coolidge’s Pad in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

If you’re strapped for cash, you can still help out by sharing this tale with your friends in-person, text, or on social media!

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