ITR3 – Pandora’s Box
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ITR3 – Pandora’s Box

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 3 (Pandora’s Box) Once away from the Diner’s port, Everything in the ship fell out of sorts. People yelling and pointing the finger of blame Blayze: “What is your problem, and what is this, a game?!” Amanda: “It’s not my fault the rangers recognized me!” Young Man from…

ITR2 – Idiot Dope
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ITR2 – Idiot Dope

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 2 (Idiot Dope) Later on down in Bay E, Pandora and Blayze were where they should be. Waiting around for Amanda and crew To tell them both what next to do. The hangar, with people of all kinds, bustled. Chitrans, Achluns, and Terrans all hustled But soon Galactic…

ITR1 – Diners In Space
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ITR1 – Diners In Space

The Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 1 (Diners In Space) There were few diners in that corner of space. But Blayze Hallack knew just the place. It had been a long trip through the darkness there. But he and Pandora were both prepared. Pandora you ask? Why she was his friend! And they would…