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ITR45 – Mega-Trapped

Idiot’s Guide To Illegal Tech Repair 45

Amanda’s eyes widened,
And her knees turned to jelly.
She buckled and fell to the floor.

James: “Come on, this is silly!
We can take them in a fight!”

Dex: “No man. We can’t.
Didn’t you hear who’s caught us?”

Pandora began to pant.

Blayze: “That’s Amanda’s father who’s caught us.”

Amanda: “We have to freaking run.”

Blayze grabbed Pandora and lifted her on his back.
James: “Oh come on, that’s no fun!”

James picked up Amanda,
Who was shaking with paralyzing fear,
And the three of them ran to the window they’d entered,
While kicking it into high gear.
But by the time they arrived,
Twelve Rangers stood in their way,
Along with their leader, Jarvis Canine.

Jarvis: “I’m afraid I have to bar your gateway.”

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy The Boy Who Came Home? in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

If you’re strapped for cash, you can still help out by sharing this tale with your friends in-person, text, or on social media!

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