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NOD30 – Marketplace

Notes of Destiny 30

As Tragic’s Pirates took,
Windy and Fort into port,
The marketplace buzzed with people and flies,
And stank with odors of all sorts.
Tragic’s men marched them through a crowd,
And brought them up on a stage.
The crowd was drawn to purchase them.
As they were now, slaves.

Suddenly Tragic snapped at his men,
Raising his voice above the din.

Tragic: “We’re only selling the lass, You dolts!
Lord Rithe has need of him!”

He pointed at Fort, and Fort was brought down.
Windy screamed and tried to fight.
She was met with a slap across her face.
Adding insult to her plight.
Fort’s ropes were changed to shackles.
Then his mouth was gagged.
And Windy saw blood drip from her hair.
As they hauled him and dragged.

Then a voice came from the crowd.
An old woman by the sound.
But as Windy went to look
Her face was pushed to the ground.

Voice: “I heard of this boy coming from the ship!
And I planned on purchasing this son!”

Tragic barked a few words at his minions,
Reprimanding them for loose tongues.
Then Tragic’s first mate spoke.

First mate: “If you want the girl then buy!
The lad is not for sale to you!
He is only for Lord Rithe!”

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