GOA47 – The Fate of William Avery
Guardians Of Atlanta 47
(The Fate of William Avery)
On a dark and overcast night,
William returned to his dwelling.
The air seemed ominous,
dark, and compelling.
The hair stood up
on the back of his neck
And as he went inside,
his emotions were a wreck.
It had been six months exactly
since his life was destroyed.
His one-note emotion
had become paranoid.
Every day became quite a chore.
In many ways, he was a prisoner of war.
His diet had consisted of crackers and ketchup,
Which he took from a nearby fast-food chain’s setup.
His boredom was fought by endless training.
And reading his Bible whenever that became draining.
And though he was lonely in his dark home,
He knew that he was never alone.
He prayed to God every day,
That all this misunderstanding would go away.
He prayed that Fenris and Fortune would be safe.
And soon they’d all be restored to their rightful place.
But one night his prayer was completely disrupted
By sudden hail and strange sounds that erupted.
Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy Crusader: Leader Of The Guardians in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)
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