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GOA45 – Try Again, Uncle Andy

Guardians Of Atlanta 45
(Try Again, Uncle Andy)

James Rigger sat in a cell,
Straight Jacket holding his arms.
He chuckled quietly to himself,
He didn’t want to raise the alarm.

His door then opened slowly
And he expected to see
That annoying psych person again,
They just wouldn’t let him be!

Instead he saw a woman in red,
Followed by a woman in white.
They were both identical twins,
With raven black hair, and slight.

James: “Two pretty girls?
Two pretty girls?
Struttin’ right up to my person?”

Red Girl: “Please!
You’ve been a naughty boy Uncle Andy.”

White Girl: “You deviated from the plan.”

Red Girl: “But thankfully Red Death said-“

White Girl: “To give you a second chance.”

The two girls parted, and into the room,
A man in a wheelchair rolled in.
Uncle Andy chuckled louder
And the wheelchair-ed man grinned.

Phillip Keller: “And he wouldn’t have if I hadn’t stood up for you.
You better not let me down.”

James: “Didn’t know you knew Red.”

Phillip: “Shut up, you little clown.
It’s time you start taking orders,
And you’ll be taking them from me.”

James then launched into a cackle
Filled with malicious glee.

Hi I’m Joshua, and I’m resurrecting Epic Poetry for modern nerds like you! If you’d like to support what I’m doing, you can buy The Great Phantasma in Book, eBook, Audiobook, and other formats here! (Coming Soon!)

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