WOW50 – Hospital Hallways
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WOW50 – Hospital Hallways

World of Wrestling 50 (Hospital Hallways) Just wasted no time Once he got the call. He ran directly into the ER, And up through the halls. When within 20 yards of Jessica’s room, He was stopped by security. He pushed against them, screaming. Trying to wrench himself free. Joshua: “You don’t understand! I have to…

WOW49 – Why Oh Why Can’t I?
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WOW49 – Why Oh Why Can’t I?

World of Wrestling 49 (Why Oh Why Can’t I?) The engine roared as Jessica flew Around I-465. The satellite radio in her rental car Blaring a trip-hop for her drive. Jessica was doing north of 90 Thinking through all she’d been through How she’d fought through injury to come back this night Everything just felt…

WOW48 – Foggy Heads
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WOW48 – Foggy Heads

World of Wrestling 48 (Foggy Heads) Jessica: “I just want this nightmare to end! I need to get back on top!” Jessica powered through a right turn, And didn’t even bother to stop. Joshua: “What are you doing? You keep driving in circles.” Jessica: “And it’s not even like- Kytt is even a good wrestler!”…

WOW47 – Hissy Fit
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WOW47 – Hissy Fit

World of Wrestling 47 (Hissy Fit) Moments before Joshua saw, Jessica in the hallway, Elissa Kwan had approached, In a confrontational way. Elissa: “I lost too, you big baby. What are you pouting about? Sometimes you do your best and don’t win. Sometimes you go without- The W in your win bracket. Or the title…

WOW46 – Congradulanxious
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WOW46 – Congradulanxious

World of Wrestling 46 (Congradulanxious) Joshua and Isaiah came through the curtain, To thunderous applause from inside- The backstage area and locker room. Everyone was so surprised At the athletic spectacle they had witnessed Between these two young men. Backslaps, handshakes, and high fives, Proceeded from the wrestlers then. Joshua: “Has anyone seen Jessica?” Josh…

WOW45 – Inconsolable
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WOW45 – Inconsolable

World of Wrestling 45 (Inconsolable) Following Jessica’s attempt At number one contendership She made her way backstage Feeling incredibly miffed. She played the match over in her mind Examining every move. She couldn’t come to any conclusion. Why in the world did she lose? She wandered into the Trainer’s office, To get herself checked by…

WOW44 – Joshua Slayter Vs. Isaiah Cook
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WOW44 – Joshua Slayter Vs. Isaiah Cook

World of Wrestling 44 (Joshua Slayter Vs. Isaiah Cook) After a couple of matches on the card, Joshua’s match began. He came to the ring to a favorable ovation From everyone, woman and man. But so did his opponent Isaiah Cook “The Chef” some called his nick-name. He was brash and cocky but just as…

WOW43 – Jessica Valero Vs. Elissa Kwan Vs. Mika Mika Vs. Kytt (Elimination 4-way)
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WOW43 – Jessica Valero Vs. Elissa Kwan Vs. Mika Mika Vs. Kytt (Elimination 4-way)

World of Wrestling 43 (Jessica Valero Vs. Elissa Kwan Vs. Mika Mika Vs. Kytt – Elimination 4-way) The fireworks went off in Indianapolis, Three women were in the ring. The announcers had just welcomed the world-wide audience, And Supergirl’s Song began to sing. Jessica entered to a thunderous ovation, As The Season finale began, She…

WOW42 – Tabula Rasa
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WOW42 – Tabula Rasa

World of Wrestling 42 (Tabula Rasa) Following the meeting with management, Joshua and Jessica went back To Jessica’s home in the suburbs. And conversation did not lack. Joshua: “I can’t believe he just wipes the slate, And gives me a chance like that? I’m going to be capitalizing on this chance! I’m slamming everyone to…

WOW41 – A Brand New Day
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WOW41 – A Brand New Day

World of Wrestling 41 (A Brand New Day) The rumors swirled around The World Wrestling League. Speculation on who’d be the one Hammerin’ Hank would choose to succeed- The loathed and hated William Rothschild, But nobody really knew who Would be the one to get the job, Or if he’d be a breakthrough. Jessica Valero…