WOW2 – Screwed With
World Of Wrestling 2
(Screwed With)
Into the locker room Joshua went
Every ounce of energy spent.
He found himself an empty locker,
And didn’t plan on being a talker.
On a bench, he laid himself down,
And his destination was sleepy town.
He put his hat over his face,
Showering definitely had a later place…
Josh was picked up by the lapels,
And slammed against a wall.
He stared up at a man who stood
About 6 foot 6 inches tall.
The dark skinned man glared at him,
As a voice from the periphery said:
Voice: “Your scrawny pencil neck
is beyond all types of dead!”
Josh looked down and to the side,
And saw Lil’ Mack standing there,
A rapper who had become famous in Atlanta.
His bodyguard was built like a bear.
That bodyguard, BJ Bass by name,
Had become Mack’s tag team brother.
The Atlantyx were how they were known.
And other teams they’d smothered.
Mack flashed his tag title,
And BJ shoved again.
Joshua: “Is this your locker here?
You could just ask like men.”
Mack: “You’d like that a lot, wouldn’t you, rookie?”
Just then Lil’ Mack trailed off.
Another presence made himself known
With just a little cough.
The Atlantyx threw Josh’s bag across the room,
And began to take their spot,
And The World Champion Warren Nickolson
Led Joshua Slayter off.
To the other side of the locker room,
Warren led Joshua with no words.
Joshua shook Warren’s hand, and thanked him.
“They’d have chopped me in thirds.”
Warren: “Keep your nose clean, Bigdog.
This is The WWL.
Not NGPW anymore.
Still… I think you’ll do well.”
With that word of encouragement,
Warren headed away.
And Joshua collapsed on another bench,
To hopefully get some sleep this day.