I guess we’re doing this – Buying a Stranger a Bible
I guess we’re doing this – Buying a Stranger a Bible From the Poets At War episode titled: “God Told Me…” https://joshuadavidling.com
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I guess we’re doing this – Buying a Stranger a Bible From the Poets At War episode titled: “God Told Me…” https://joshuadavidling.com
I Will be with you, Bard, and it will be enough. From the Poets At War episode titled: “God Told Me…” https://joshuadavidling.com
I’m not charismatic. But sometimes this happens… From the Poets At War episode titled: “God Told Me…” https://joshuadavidling.com
Who said web design had to be minimalist? Not Joshua! He believes every website should feel like a physical space. #ChristianMaximalism https://joshuadavidling.com
Are modern humans really smarter? Join Alex, Joshua, and Brendan as they talk about the forgotten wisdom and secrets of our ancestors!
#Wisdom #ForgottenKnowledge #ModernSociety #Church https://joshuadavidling.com
Joshua shares on Poets At War how the Disney Renaissance impacted the world spiritually. Join Brendan and Alex as they explore this insightful conversation. #DisneyRenaissance #SpiritualImpact #PoetsAtWarPodcast
Joshua shares the hilarious scene from the 90’s classic on “The Broodcast”. Watch as JP refuses to ride in a car! #AngelsInTheOutfield #90sMovies #Comedy
Breaking down Brendan’s Farseer magic system on The Broodcast! Is it a hit or miss?
#Farseer #MagicSystem #Critique #TheBroodcast
Sarah Levesque reads her Eowyn fanfic on The Broodcast. Discover Middle-earth through her words. #LOTR #fanfiction #TheBroodcast https://joshuadavidling.com/brood/
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbEbvMin5yU[/embedyt] Watch as #ChatGPT takes on the challenge of writing Last Of The Mohicans in #CSLewis style! Will the result be a literary masterpiece or an adventure gone wrong? � #WritingChallenge #AIWriter Join The Broodcast at https://joshuadavidling.com/discord