The actual plan, Stan

So in creating this section of my website/blog/channel, I’ve neglected thus far to mention the point.

Build a Bard is my attempt to give you a look into the minutia of being a bard, and trying to translate and resurrect epic poetry into our current dis-enchanted world. This is (in part) my current plan for the many writings that I have done so far.

1. Archive and edit the text of all my hundreds of poems, and keep making new ones.
2. Record myself reading said poems to a camera (Looking to upgrade said camera as well)
3. Take and publish that “Talking head” video and audio as part of the process.
4. Create supporting sequential art using AI diffusion/generation along with procreate and other skills
5. Create a musical score with minimal sound effects
6. Animate said footage (Mainly simple Ken Burns style keyframing) with the talking head video and kinetic text.
7. Publish the final animation across a myriad of platforms
8. Create a digital and physical product to be sold online and in-person

One of the big hurdles I’m overcoming in this process is on number 6. I record in 16 by 9 aspect ratio with my camera and my artwork is 1 by 1. Technically I could generate the art a little differently or shoot in another aspect ratio but this is fairly intentional on my part. You see, I’m animating in 3 aspect ratios in 3 different final cut projects each time I add an image. This way, no text is going to be cut off, and you’re never going to have the subject of the shot needlessly cut off. I crop according to the best shot I can get for each ratio.

My final output will include 3 aspect ratios of the same animated/live action video. 1 in 16 by 9, one in 9 by 16, and one in 1 by 1. This way, regardless of a platform’s preferred aspect ratio, my video will be of quality and can compete. Sure it’s a hard road to haul to animate 3 times each time you generate 1 image. But the end product will be worth the effort.

Here’s a screen test in the three different aspect ratios with our mysterious spirit from “The Stone Cutter.”




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